Tag Archives: Figurative



A nude painting, because we humans think of ourselves as non-animals, is always an interesting endeavor both to look at or to paint. Because seeing someone in the nude anywhere but in private usually means something taboo has gone on or something has gone drastically wrong. I think of a nude as a window in to the soul of a person. I try to portray the human-ness, the emotion, the intelligence and wisdom behind someones eyes and gesture, while also, through careful observation, and high draftsmanship, carry out a likeness to the person.

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I took the picture of this man on the Pearl Street Mall in Boulder, CO. It was 10 degrees out. I stared in awe of him from the warmth of my SUV. I thought to myself, “There are so many talented people in the world, I mean, just how many people play the trumpet well, any musical instrument for that matter. Here’s a guy out trying to make a few bucks on a freezing day, and seems to be having himself a good time. There’s solice in doing something well.” He was playing Christmas music and people walking by paid little notice. After I took a couple pictures I was sure to give him a couple dollars.

I painted this painting in the studio using a limited and muted pallet of Titanium White, Ultramarine Blue, Yellow Ochre, and Burnt Sienna. When you keep your colors cool and muted, it creates a very cold look. I thought about puting some other mall crawlers in the picture, but felt the eye would jump around too much. I wanted the focus to be on the solitude of this gentleman. One can tell he’s in a public place, so there’s a poetic solitude to that, and the muted colors help support the loneliness. The Trumpet has the warmest and lightest value and is meant to bring the only warmth to the scene.


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